Maine Fish Finder Users

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Maine User List

Fisherman Username Name Joined Views Points State
Shawn York mtnbikin69 Shawn York 02/24/25 122 0 Maine
Jamie Brown j-hooks- Jamie Brown 12/05/24 226 0 Maine
Jeff Kirkpatrick bluestar28 Jeff Kirkpatrick 08/25/24 287 0 Maine
Richard  Evans rthomasevans Richard Evans 08/01/24 416 0 Maine
Jay Sweeney jsweeney0153 Jay Sweeney 05/10/23 450 0 Maine
Alex McKay yakcmxela Alex McKay 02/06/23 516 0 Maine
Katlyn Lawver sparky427 Katlyn Lawver 07/30/22 481 0 Maine
Mike Ellis magicmike Mike Ellis 05/06/22 460 0 Maine
Robert Gross rhgross Robert Gross 11/23/21 503 0 Maine
doug puryear mkpdp doug puryear 08/08/21 545 0 Maine
Lee Deemer auntleelee Lee Deemer 07/09/21 466 0 Maine
David Nagle dln David Nagle 06/22/21 463 0 Maine
Tyler Gallant tylertsg Tyler Gallant 05/18/21 499 0 Maine
Mark Dumont mainermark Mark Dumont 04/22/21 505 0 Maine
Don Mercier fishinitis Don Mercier 04/03/21 485 0 Maine
Sonya Nichols winchenbach sonyaw2540 Sonya Nichols winchenbach 02/19/21 453 0 Maine
Eric Ferrand ricosuave Eric Ferrand 02/19/21 486 0 Maine
Bob Hazard bhazard Bob Hazard 01/30/21 4451 1 Maine
Gavin Sperlich gavspe Gavin Sperlich 12/04/20 505 0 Maine
Gail Cutting gail Gail Cutting 11/15/20 4751 9 Maine
Jeffrey Torrey jefftorrey Jeffrey Torrey 10/15/20 438 0 Maine
Chris Shilale wsbkchris Chris Shilale 10/05/20 4699 7 Maine
Mike Fair twinchamps Mike Fair 10/02/20 488 0 Maine
twinchamls 10/02/20 376 1 Maine
Richard White nsbadge Richard White 09/28/20 413 0 Maine
Robert Mangin icefishme Robert Mangin 09/22/20 720 1 Maine
Ian Skrivanich skriv75 Ian Skrivanich 08/28/20 2112 1 Maine
Troy Chapman troypc70 Troy Chapman 08/23/20 452 0 Maine
Jerry Sytsma jerrysaddiction1 Jerry Sytsma 08/13/20 359 0 Maine
Ted Daly tdballgame8 Ted Daly 08/12/20 357 0 Maine
Brenda Wilson chris317 Brenda Wilson 08/09/20 439 0 Maine
Timothy Leach psyphyphan Timothy Leach 08/08/20 403 0 Maine
Michael  Donovan highgluten Michael Donovan 08/03/20 420 0 Maine

ME Fish Finder

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