Swan Lake Fishing Spot

  • Mean Depth: 34'
  • Max Depth: 87'
  • Elevation: 199'
  • Last Modified By: vinny60 on 09/12/09 04:58 PM
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Swan Lake Description

Swan Lake itself has a high percentage of shoreline development and an ever-increasing number of private roads. Development pressure is also on the increase with the better employment opportunities that now exist in the Belfast area. There is also a large conversion of seasonal to year-round homes. 54% of the watershed is in Swanville, 38% is in Searsport, and 8% is in Frankfort. The Goose River is an outlet from Swan Lake, which includes a state park at its northern tip. Swan Lake State Park features a large attractive picnic ground offering tables, grills and shelters for large groups. A summertime-guarded beach is offered along a sandy shore. Summer shoreline fishing opportunities are enjoyed as well. Swam Lake is known for its abundant game fish because the lake is a heavy producer of feeder smelt. In addition, the lake is heavily stocked with brook trout that thrive off the smelt. As a consequence of the abundant smelt, the brook trout grow to incredible lengths of 15 to 18 inches. Most likely, this area inhabits some of the largest brook trout on the East Coast. Lake trout and landlocked salmon also exist in these waters. Most are caught right after the ice-out in late April or early May. This time of year is also popular for catching white perch that seem to congregate close to the boat launch on SR 141 located along the lower tip of the lake. The park is located on the shore of Swan Lake, on SR 141 north of Swanville.

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