
Chris O'Keefe

Rockland, Massachusetts, USA
Member since April 5th, 2013
Wanted to spend more time outdoors so I decided to take up fishing after turning 40+. No regrets thus far!

General Info

Fishing and Hockey
Favorite Fish to Catch
Largemouth bass, Smallmouth bass
Favorite Type of Fishing
Cast and retrieve
Water Type
Favorite Lures
Crankbaits, Spinner Baits, DropShots
Fishing Rods
St. Croix Mojo Bass
Bass Pro Shops Tourney Special
Bass Pro Shops Tourney Pro
Orvis Streamline 5wt Fly Rod
Fishing Reels
Shimano Sedona
Bass Pro Shops Pro Qualifier Baitcaster
Quantum Optix Spinning
Bass Pro Shops Tourney Pro
Orvis Streamline Large Arbor Reel
Fishing Techniques
Cast and retrieve
Favorite Fishing Spot
Gallows Pond
Favorite Video
Hobarts May-30-15
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Chris O'Keefe's Latest Reports

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Caught my personal best Largemouth and a suspending jerkbait. Problem is I had no scale or measuring tape. Please check out the pics and help me decide how big it was. As reference I am 5'11" and 220 lbs. Oh and try to ignore the stupid look on my face as I struggled to get the fish in the shot. 😕

Tight lines all!

Posted 9 years ago

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Annual Father/Son trip. What we lacked in quantity we made up in quality!

Son caught his PB LM 4LBs.

Love fishing on a typical workday. There is no better thing.

Posted 9 years ago

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I love working on the South Shore! There are quite a few options to make a quick lunch trip.

The post spawn bite has been very hot.

Just 2 small largemouth no more that a LB or 2, but still fun to catch.

Gotta watch your step with all the goose droppings everywhere here though!

Posted 9 years ago

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2015 continues to be a very good year. Took a quick lunchtime trip to Whitman's Pond in Weymouth and fished the lilypads right next to the boat ramp catching a pair of largemouth bass in about 1/2 hour.

Got a nice Bass Thumb developing after my 3rd 4LBer in a week!

Posted 9 years ago

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Tried a new pond on Saturday with my son and retried one solo on Sunday that I had got skunked on previously. Lots of action but not a lot of boated fish.

I was 2 for 9 landing fish on Saturday catching two of the biggest Pickerel I've ever caught. I snapped my 8 LB line twice on awesome fights and another pickerel severed my 30 LB braid.

On Sunday I caught two huge Largemouth. Both on Wacky rigs, my new favorite go to. I forgot to hit record and got no pics of the first one and my battery ran out as I landed the second. Both were 19 or more inches and 4LBs plus.

A real good weekend.

Posted 25 years ago

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My son and I made up for a miserable attempted trip on my birthday last Friday. We hit Furnace Pond in Pembroke and were not disappointed. Just one 2Lb Bass but the Perch and Calicos were very active. Colin caught a huge slab that was over a LB and put up a great fight on his ultra light rod.

Posted 9 years ago

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Fished Hobarts Pond in Whitman at lunch. It was raw and drizzly, but they were a-biting! Caught two small 1lbers and one that was about 2.5lbs. My biggest hookup got off the line(it was probably 3+lbs).

Posted 9 years ago

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With 405 Total Points

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Gone Fishin

Fish Critic

Previous Ranks Achieved:

  • Swordfish Rank
  • Striped Bass Rank
  • Largemouth Rank
  • Smallmouth Rank
  • Panfish Rank
  • Rainbow Trout Rank
  • Brook Trout Rank
  • Baitfish Rank

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Below is where we list statistics for the number of reviews, comments, message board posts, etc. that this user has posted on all the Fish Finder sites. The higher total overall points a user has, the higher the user's ranking.

Total Trips: 41

Total Photos: 71

Total Hotspots: 52

Total Trip Reviews: 145

Total Trip Comments: 24

Total Location Reviews: 6

Total Location Comments: 2

Total Locations Added: 1

Total Locations Edited: 5

Total Message Board Posts: 58

Total Species Comments: 0

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Total Overall Points: 405

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