
Paul B

Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Member since July 23rd, 2015

General Info

Favorite Type of Fishing
Spin Rod
Water Type
Favorite Lures
Rubber Worm, Wacky Style
Fishing Reels
Shimano Spirex 2500FG
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Joel and I headed out to a little shore fishing spot, but with the yaks. Wind in Plymouth has been horrible for good shore fishing/boat so I haven't been able to hit any of my favorite spots. Although it was raining off and on there was little to no wind at the end of the work day so we went out.

We must've caught at least one of every species in this pond. Hooked a few Crappie 11-12 inchers, Got a random Yellow perch which we had never seen in this pond before, 2 Slime darts, a few modest sized Sunnies, and a handful of Bass- one of which being a good size to pull the yak around a but on the retrieve.

The Most random thing caught was a big Golden Shiner?! (by shiner standards). Joel was fishing rubber work wacky style and false hooked in on the retrieve. Never caught one before so it really confused us for a minute.
So happy Spring is on its way- it was nice being out on the water when its glass with all the pan fish jumping around you after bugs. Hopefully the random cold weather is Over

Posted 8 years ago

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Its finally getting tough to catch Bass in my favorite ponds so I've switched gears to hit pickerel in the small ponds that are normally overgrown with weeds and lilies. Went out Wednesday and Monday for a few hours before sunset and was rewarded with some nasty slimy big guys. Over both days we put over 20 on the boat. Most 20inches or larger.(Monday yielded 5 that were 23-25). It was great fishing. Catch and release.
Used Rubber worms (pumpkin) and set them Wacky Style. Most hits were letting them fall to the bottom and jerking the bait across the bottom slowly.

Posted 9 years ago

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Joel and I went out for some Pickerel fishing, Loaded up the boat early with some shiner, breakfast, and some drinks. We hit out favorite spot.
Pickerel weren't having it. Joel put 2 dinky bass on the boat so we moved to the other section of the pond out of the weeds looking for a good hole and drop off to hit. Finally found where some weeds gave way to about a 15 foot deep hole. Skinny and about 70' long. We were casing Rubber worms against the edges. Nothing, Nothing, Nothing.
Then BAM! Thought I got fouled up in the weeds(Again for like the 100th time) and my reel started screaming. Adjusted my drag, made some headway and then it took it again, adjusted my drag, made some headway, and the same thing (thank god for braided line).
Finally saw the beast in the water and Joel started yelling for the net. pulled him on the boat and we were both amazed. This was the Largest bass all season. Finally!
I caught my Lunker! we weighed him quick, measured him and quickly put him back in. (wish I took more pic's but I wanted to get him in the water asap because we were fighting for awhile and didn't want to over stress him).

5lbs14oz (just under 6lbs) 22inches long

This fatty made my season, been looking for him all summer.

Posted 9 years ago

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Had to work early Sunday morning, but got out at 7:45am! So I decided to try my luck with the Morning Trout Bites down at Little Pond.
The boat wasn't loaded but I had all my tackle in the truck so I figured do a little shore casting. It was brisk, but no wind yet so I figured I'd cast a few until 10am.

Rolling upto the pond it was peppered with shore fisherman, and a few boats and kyaks. I was actually amazed at how many people were trying for these trout.

I ended up finding a spot away from the boat launch, Loaded up some PowerBait on a little treble hook trout rig and cast about 25 yards off shore where i saw a few jumps.

5 minutes later, BAM! the line took off. It was a wrestle getting him in. 14.5 inches and 1.35pounds. Lunch!
I ended up getting 5 bites total- one of which snapped my line (4pound mono leader).

Fished 8am-10:20am came home with 2 Rainbows. What a great start to the day!

I can see why it's harder to get bites at Dusk with all that Morning Fishing Pressure. My advice is to get there early for a good spot and start your day right!

Posted 9 years ago

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Wednesday after a long day at work I needed to unwind. My fishing buddy Joel couldn't make it so I went solo. I ended up pulling over 15 fish on the boat. Epic Day, considering this pond usually produces about 4 fish tops an outing.

This pond is healthy and has great diversity; pulled a sunny, perch, a crappie, a smallie, a bunch of Largemouth, and nailed a pickerel but didn't get him on the boat.
Parking is an issue here though, only 2 spots and be courteous of the residents. Some times it gets over fished and you come up with maybe one decent Bass.

It's my favorite pond because of the many different locations and how peaceful it is. If you see me out there say hello and we can swap fish stories.
Fished Rubber worm wackie style and a 3/8oz. spoon

Posted 9 years ago

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Headed out around 2pm with my girlfriend for a nice relaxing day on the pond.
No Bites all day- tried rubber worm, live worm, and spinner Bait. Not even a Nibble!
It was definitely too hot, and too early for the fish. She was was getting hot and hungry, and we had a small lobster bake we were supposed to attend at 5:30 So I was getting nagged to get off the pond. I wasn't about to get skunked!

We're finally motoring in and I saw a fallen log beckoning me to cast. I slowed the motor to a 1 and said "just one last cast on the way in".
I FINALLY got a nibble, then, to her discontent, I launched the rubber worm back against the log where I felt that tug.
BAM! The rod bent right over!
After a nice fight and a breach I Hauled my biggest fish to date into the boat. 19inches long, but I didn't have my scale.
I KNEW the fish were going to start biting (5:45pm) but I figured I really should end on a high note and go enjoy some lobster.
At least now I had a nice story to tell while enjoying a cold one by the fire.

Used rubber worm wacky style
By the Boat house and the fallen log

Posted 9 years ago

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Fished 6pm-930pm East head pond, caught my largest fish to date (I'm a newbie) Largemouth 2lbs. 6oz!
Used rubber worms- Wacky Style. Anything off the edge lillypads was good, we all caught a few small ones, and my friend hooked 2 big ones, but only got one in the boat.
It was overcast, and the fish weren't bitting at dusk like they have in previous trips to this location.
A great start to the weekend.

Posted 25 years ago

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Hit Little Long Island Pond to test out the new 12foot dingy. Fished from 6pm to 9pm.
Caught about 15 SMALL Largemouth Bass, and my friend caught about 30.
I was using Night crawlers till they ran out, then used rubber worms wacky style. He used rubber worms the entire time.
-Weedy Bottom, 7-15foot in most area's with steep drop offs from the shore.
Fun fishing, but nothing over 1lb.

Posted 9 years ago

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With 56 Total Points

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