Alford Lake is a typial coastal Maine
,ligotrophic.lake with sufficient cold water to
upportcoldwatersport fish but occasionally
Ixperiences low dissolved oxygen in the deepest
,art of the lake. Annual stockings of trout are
.ecessary to maintain these fisheries because
pawning and nursery habitat is lacking.
Management of coldwater fish has shifted
any times over the years from landlocked salmon
o brown trout. When splake became available
hrough the Department's hatchery system an
Kperimental program began. Splake stockings
Jntinued for 4 years, but because they did not
Jt perform brown trout the stockings were
lscontinued. Currently, brown trout are stockedannually along with spring-yearling brook trout.
The brown trout are surviving to older ages to
provide larger fish while brook trout provide
'faster' fishing.
A free public boat launch facility is
located on the west shore of Alford Lake, but a
nominal fee is charged for parking a vehicle at
the local fish and game club.